Understanding the Anti-Pumping Scheme in Circuit Breakers

In electrical power systems, circuit breakers play a crucial role in protecting equipment and ensuring the stability of the grid. However, improper operation of breakers can lead to major fault and unsafe conditions. One critical issue in breaker operation is multiple closing attempts before clearing a fault. This can occur due to a continuous closing … Read more

Top Interview Questions and Answers on 33KV Circuit Breaker

What type of circuit breaker is generally used for the 36KV class ?Ans: The 36KV class circuit breaker is normally an outdoor type Vacuum Circuit Breaker (VCB). Why is VCB Preferred in 33KV Outdoor Systems Over SF6 Circuit Breakers?Ans: VCBs are more economical for 33KV systems compared to SF6 circuit breakers due to simpler construction … Read more

Zero Current Crossing Method in A Circuit Breaker

This zero current crossing method is only applicable to alternating current circuit breaker. We all know that an alternating current naturally passes through zero at regular intervals (every half-cycle of the AC waveform). This method safely interrupts the alternating current at the natural zero-crossing of its waveform. Working Principle of a CB based on Zero … Read more

Testing of a Vacuum Circuit Breaker

Type Tests for a 36kV Class Vacuum Circuit Breaker (VCB) As per IS: 13118, these type tests include: These tests are intended to ensure that the circuit breakers perform reliably, safely, and efficiently under various operating conditions. Routine Tests for a 36kV Vacuum Circuit Breaker (VCB) As per IS: 13118, the routine tests include the … Read more