Accuracy Limit Factor

Current transformers (CTs) play a crucial role in power systems, especially in protection and metering applications. Among the key parameters that define their performance is the Accuracy Limit Factor (ALF). This article provides an in-depth understanding of the ALF, its significance, and its impact on the reliable operation of protection systems.

What is Accuracy Limit Factor?

The Accuracy Limit Factor (ALF) is a specification that defines the maximum multiple of a current transformer’s rated current at which it can maintain its specified accuracy. In simple terms, it indicates the upper limit of current measurement where the CT remains accurate enough for its intended purpose, typically for protection applications.

The formula for ALF is:

Accuracy Limit Factor (ALF)=Maximum primary current within accuracy limits​/Rated primary current.

For example, if a CT has a rated primary current of 100 A and an ALF of 20, it means that the CT can maintain its accuracy for primary currents up to 2000 A (20 times its rated current).

Importance of ALF in Protection Systems

The ALF is particularly significant for protection-class CTs, which are responsible for providing accurate current to protective relays. Here’s why ALF matters:

  1. Handling High Fault Currents: During fault conditions, the current in the system can rise to many times the rated value. The ALF ensures that the CT can accurately measure such high currents without distortion or saturation, allowing protective relays to function correctly.
  2. Relay Reliability: Protective relays rely on accurate current inputs to determine whether to isolate a faulted section of the system. An appropriate ALF ensures the CT’s output remains proportional to the primary current, enabling the relay to operate reliably.
  3. Saturation Avoidance: If a CT saturates, it can no longer provide accurate secondary current signals. A high ALF indicates that the CT can withstand higher fault currents without saturating.